Marine Works
Ammico has decades of experience in installation of piles for marine structures and for bridges over rivers and canals. Ammico has a full-fledged Marine Division and has executed many important marine projects involving construction of jetties, marine piling, sheet piling, dredging, shore protection and construction of breakwaters.
Ammico owns significant marine plant including a 2000 ton jack up barge capable of working in 35 m water depth & many spud barges/ tugs along with several impact/vibro hammers and RCD/hydraulic rotary rigs especially suited to marine piling.

Ammico has executed several important Jetty & Dolphin projects. In 2012, it constructed a major jetty for Gas Sweeting Project (GSF)

Ammico has significant experience in marine piling work. Its capabilities include

Sheet piles are sections of sheet steel with interlocking edges that are driven into the ground and are an effective solution

Dredging is the excavation of material from a water environment for lowering the seabed or removing the silt deposited to achieve the water depth
Our Major Projects